You are getting this error since you are trying to kill a thread which has
not started. Try checking the path where clicker.rb is.
The clicker.rb should be in the same place as the testcase.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 3:28 AM, Shlomit Gazit <>wrote:

> For handling popups I am doing the following:
>  @pid = Process.create(
>                  :app_name       => 'ruby clicker.rb',
>                  :creation_flags  => Process::DETACHED_PROCESS
>                  ).process_id
>                  at_exit{ Process.kill(9,@pid) }
> It works fine, but then in the results I am getting the following
> which is not nice:
> C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/win32-process-0.5.9/lib/win32/
> process.rb:192:in `kill': The handle is invalid. (Process::Error)
>        from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/win32-process-0.5.9/lib/win32/
> process.rb:151:in `each'
>        from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/win32-process-0.5.9/lib/win32/
> process.rb:151:in `kill'
>        from ./c2p_module_imperative_fill_1.rb:94:in `fill'
>        from C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/test/unit.rb:278
> Any idea what I am doing wrong?
> Thank you, Shlomit
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