
I've been blogging already some time now about Watir and RSpec and
will continue doing it. I'm not creating new posts often, but I have
somekind of to-do list on my PC for future topics.

I've been creating some posts which are little bit tied to each other
- e.g. i started doing something in the older posts and i've been
modifying existing things to make them better and add more
functionality - that's why it would be best to start reading from the
older posts to see the improvements better :) Too bad it's not
possible to sort the posts by date...

Anyway, just wanted to let you know about my blog and i'm waiting for
any feedback in here or you should be able to post comments to the
posts directly also.

Also, what should I do to get my blog listed at http://watir.com/blogs/
or is there somekind of freaky requirements which blog should fulfill
to get into that list?

Oh, and almost forgot - the blog itself is visible at 



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