I had a problem like this before and the workaround I used was to kick
off a thread that checked something in the browser every so often to
make sure that it wan't stuck. In my script I did something like this:

def check_for_freeze(browser)

# Kick off a new thread and keep checking the url
Thread.new do
        first_url = browser.url
        second_url = browser.url

        if (first_url == second_url)
          puts "The browser got stuck and had to be refreshed." # you
can put this in your test log instead if you want.


Of course this is a workaround so you have to be careful if you do
something like this. For instance in this example if the URLs match by
coincidence it will refresh the browser even though nothing is wrong.
You could work around this by adding more checks and only refreshing
if it's the same five times in a row or something like that.


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