On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Adam Reed <reed.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Željko!
> 1.  I used the require 'spec' so that I could execute the script in
> SciTE to check for simple errors before running spec from the command
> line.  To your point, I will make sure not to include it on future
> scripts.
> 2.  Agree with you on the before(:all)/(:each) - I'm still figuring
> out how that works practically in my tests.
>> What is this?
>> @browser ||= Watir::Browser.new
> 3.  I actually took that from the RSpec example here:
> http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/RSpec
> I hate to admit that I implemented it without knowing exactly what it
> did, but in testing it did not seem to change behavior.  I have not
> used it with any other scripts but this first venture into RSpec.

This ruby construct
object ||= otherobject

is equivalent to
object = object || otherobject

and similar to
i += 1
i = i + 1

in watir example:
@browser ||= Watir::Browser.new
@browser = @browser  || Watir::Browser.new

a narrative could be: let the @browser be @browser if true
else start new browser and initialize @browser value from constructor.


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