Hello all,

I was checking out the various solutions presented at
http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/JavaScript+Pop+Ups. I found another
solution some time ago that isn't listed there. You'll need AutoIt
installed. I'll present it here, and if you think it might help,
please feel free to add it to the list:

First, create a file called 'popup_closer.rb' and add the following


require 'win32ole'

  autoit = WIN32OLE.new('AutoItX3.Control')

  loop do
   autoit.ControlClick("Windows Internet Explorer",'', 'OK')
   autoit.ControlClick("Security Information",'', '&Yes')
   autoit.ControlClick("Security Alert",'', '&Yes')
   autoit.ControlClick("Security Warning",'', 'Yes')
   autoit.ControlClick("Message from webpage",'', 'OK')
   sleep 3

rescue Exception => e
  puts e


Next, add the following to your working script:


@pid = Process.create(
    :app_name       => 'ruby popup_closer_cancel.rb',
    :creation_flags  => Process::DETACHED_PROCESS

#~ at_exit{ Process.kill(9,@pid) }


While the script is running, this will continue to check for any
popups and click OK. You can always change the options to "No",
"Cancel", etc.

If you want to kill the process earlier, remove the last line and just
type: Process.kill(9,@pid).



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