You may have another challenge here.  I don't think HTML's simple
Selection List element is capable of multi-select.

If you are working with a control that allows things like Multi-select
then there's good odds that it is implemented via some kind of
Javascript control.   That means you are going to have to do a bit of
reverse engineering using firebug or the IE Developer Toolbar to
figure out what kind of element it's constructed out of, and what kind
of events it responds to.  If you are lucky it might just need .click
methods, but I doubt it will be that simple.

If you are using a single CSV file to hold all the data for the
script, and the stuff for this multi-select is just one column of the
file, then you might have to use an internal separator of some sort
(like maybe the Pipe symbol "|") and use Ruby's 'split' method to
parse the contents of that column into an array, and iterate over the
array to do your selections (similar to what jodio shows)

I'd tackle reading the csv file first, and just do something like use
some 'puts' to validate you can properly iterate through the list of
things to select once for each item.

Then figure out how to do the actual selecting of the various parts of
that multi-select control, and plug that in, in place of the 'puts'
inside the loop.

On Jul 19, 5:08 am, joedio <> wrote:
> Oops,
> One minor correction. Select list use
> the select method, not the set method.
>    # Select the value
>    browser.select_list(:how, "what").select(sSelection)
> Sorry
> On Jul 18, 7:46 am, joedio <> wrote:
> >    # Set the current value
> >    browser.select_list(:how, "what").set(sSelection)

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