When I run into this I use :index, #

On Aug 18, 2010 2:52 PM, "jasbro" <jas...@gmail.com> wrote:

In the jQuery world, it isn't uncommon for me to dynamically add
classes to an element.  Depending on various circumstances, the class
of a div might be something like "amount" or "amount required" or
"amount required invalid".  In my particular situation, the problem is
compounded by the fact that my id is partially made up of a random
number, so I can't simply do div(:id,"amount").  What I do know is the
first chunk of the id (e.g. it always starts with "amount_").  I also
know that the class will always contain "amount", though it may also
contain additional classes.  An example:
 <div id="amount_1239783" class="required amount invalid">...</div>

1. I've tried to do @ff.div(:class,"amount") but it only works if they
other classes haven't been added
2. I know I can do @ff.div(:class,"required amount invalid") but
sometimes the classes get added in a different order (and some classes
don't get added every time, so maintaining all the possible
combinations is ridiculous)
3. I know I can do "each" through the divs looking to see if the class
contains the given value, or the id starts with amount, but that seems

Does anyone know if there is a simple way to do this?

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