The activesupport gem has changed, you mostly likely have 3.0.0. I'll
look into it, but in the meantime, you can roll back to an earlier

gem uninstall activesupport
gem install activesupport --version '=2.3.8'

gem list activesupport   #make sure 3.0.0 isn't installed.

Looks like we might need a release sooner than later.

Charley Baker
Lead Developer, Watir,

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 12:20 PM, chaitanya <> wrote:
> Hi every1,
>       I am new to Watir and Firewatir. I tried the Watir in 5 mins
> tutorial on Watir OpenQA Wiki. It ran successfully once, but now when
> I say, it produces a NoMethodError for a method
> 'demodulize'. I tried some stuff around and when I said require
> 'firewatir/firefox' , the browser popped up and was good to go.
> Similarly I had to import the text_field and link elements in order
> for the tutorial to work.
>  I think there has to be an easy way around. I tried using require
> 'firewatir' but even that produced the NoMethodError.
> Also on my home PC, I need to do require 'rubygems' but on my work PC
> require 'rubygems' returns false and I can directly do require
> 'watir'. What could be the reason for that?
> Here is some information about the versions of softwares I'm using
> OS: Windows XP
> Browser: Firefox 3.6.8
> Ruby: 1.8.7
> Gems: 1.3.7
> Watir: 1.6.5
> FireWatir: 1.6.5
> I would really appreciate all the help. Thanks in advance
> --
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