use the .keypress method... simulate as a user would...

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 11:13 AM, watirboy <> wrote:

> Odd situation. The developers at my site are using legacy code that is
> screwed up HTML. Basically for my WATIR script I need to echo out the
> next 6 characters after the string I am searching for. Usually I would
> just dig deep into the TD cells, but they are all jumbled. Does anyone
> have any idea how I can do this?
> Normally I would just RegEx the IE Contains, but I need to make sure
> that it displays after the wording. In my real world example, I need
> to look for the company's name (XYZ) and grab the generated digits
> after it:
> After creating a policy for XYZ Corporation, the generated number on
> the page is:
> XYZ123456987
> I need to grab the number after XYZ
> No hidden inputs, and the priority on fixing this is low for this
> customer.
> --
> Before posting, please read In short: search
> before you ask, be nice.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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