"Test script won't start Firefox."

I need clarification on this, because I recently updated two machines--one 
Windows 7 and one XP--to Ruby 1.9.2 and Watir 1.8.1.

Both machines have FF 3.6.17, with the 0.9 jssh plugin installed.

Both machines, prior to the update, ran my Firefox scripts without 
problems--opening and closing Firefox windows without issue, as expected.

Now, after the update, the XP machine is still working fine, while the 
Windows 7 machine will only interact with Firefox if it's already been 
opened. Attempts for the scripts to open a new window will throw the jssh 

Any hints as to where I should look to try to solve this?

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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