On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 6:57 PM, a b <cristina.watir.toro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For instance:
> That is a label :
> <td><span class="fontmd floatleft" id="macbodypage">
>     <span string="create_user"
> class="macstring">Create&nbsp;User</span></span></td>

This isn't valid HTML, as the error message points out. Since the
parent span is unique, I would in this case start from that and locate
the first span inside it:

  browser.span(:id => "macbodypage").span.text

Calling #span without arguments assumes you want the first one. If you
*really* need to locate elements using invalid attributes, you can
always use an XPath:

  browser.span(:xpath => "//span[@class='macstring' and

or iterate through them in Ruby, using Watir::Element#attribute_value
to get to fetch the invalid attribute:

  span = browser.spans(:class => "macstring").find { |e|
e.attribute_value("string") == "create_user" }
  span || raise("couldn't find span")


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