On the machine you want to run tests through, add it as a node to
Hudson (we use java web start). The label you give it is how you'll
identify the jobs it can service. Login to that node (eg remote
desktop) and bring up the Hudson site in the browser on that machine.
Find the node you created and hit the Launch button - that starts up
the slave on that node and you should see a little dialog that you can
minimize (you may need to install a JRE on the machine).

Now create a job for the script you want to run and set the 'Restrict
where the job can be run' and add that label you defined for the node.
Set up the source control so it can check out your latest test code
and then configure how you're going to build it. You can use a windows
command and call the script directly. I'd start with just getting what
you have working (you don't need to use rake and you can always do
that later). You can manually start the build to make sure it works
for you and once you have things running you can edit the job and
trigger it to run nightly, on source control triggers, etc.

You might need to get user permissions to do some of this, depending
on how your Hudson site is set up. Also there are quite a few plugins
and you may have to install some, depending on what Hudson currently
has configured. There are ones that will support different source
control systems (git, svn, cvs), rake, etc.


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