On Jul 25, 1:59 pm, Jari Bakken <jari.bak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > * renamed CheckBox class to Checkbox
> > * renamed CheckBoxes class to Checkboxes
> What's the rationale for this? This adds a new incompatibility with
> watir-webdriver and breaks backwards compatibility for anyone relying
> on the class name. The change seems rather arbitrary.

Oh crap! The rationale behind that is that there is TextField =>
browser.text_field and there is ChecBox => browser.checkbox... it just
seems to be wrong there... also, i looked at
and noticed there checkbox.rb and assumed that there is a Checkbox
class in Watir-WebDriver (because of the filename). I guess you should
rename that file at least :)

I will revert back the rename change if that's not compatible with
Watir-WebDriver, thanks for pointing that out!

> Jari


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