We have Watir 1.6.2 and Ruby 1.8.6. We have MANY Watir/Test/Unit scripts
which we (well, I) mainly use to help with exploratory testing, and to
verify releases. I can't live without these scripts, so I don't want to
break them. At the same time, I want to try the latest Watir and Webdriver
to see if it correctly interprets the JS that our new Dojo code has - the
version of Watir we have can't cope with it, and Canoo WebTest/HtmlUnit
also cannot correctly interpret it.

I perused the latest install instructions and info about the later Watir
releases, and it sounds like our older Watir scripts aren't going to work
with the later version? Is this true? How much effort is required to fix
them? Is there a central location with this information that I just haven't
found yet?

If I install the latest Ruby and Watir/WebDriver, and our scripts don't
work, can I back up to the old versions again?

I only spend about 10% of my time doing any sort of coding, so though this
might all be really obvious to y'all, it is something quite challenging and
scary for me. I would hate to abandon Watir and the excellent scripts we
have, but I don't get any support from my team on this. They are keen to
try Selenium.


Lisa Crispin
Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers
and Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 2009)
Contributor to _Beautiful Testing_ (O'Reilly 2009)
@lisacrispin on Twitter

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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