That's just strange. I don't see any reasons why this code ought to go turn 
into stack overflow. However if you change the line to ole_object.focus 
then sometimes select list onChange event won't be triggered. It would be 
awesome if you'd figure it out what exactly goes into endless loop there 
and how to reproduce it. E.g. does the select_list itself get found in 
change_selected? You can find that out by changing the code to something 
like this:

    def change_selected(value)
      puts "======== searching"
      found_select = select_list
      puts "======== found: #{found_select}"
      puts "======== focused"
      ole_object.selected = value
      puts "======== selected"
      puts "======== dispatched"
      puts "======== waiting done"


On Monday, October 15, 2012 10:44:48 PM UTC+3, Champ wrote:
> After trying a long time, I figured that the cause of error is the 
> change_selected method in the input_elements.rb. I am not sure if this 
> impacts anything else. However, changing the select_list.focus to 
> ole_object.focus seems to have resolved the issue for me.
> Any inputs/comments?
> On Monday, October 15, 2012 2:29:51 PM UTC-4, Jarmo Pertman wrote:
>> Can you open up the url set in your iframe directly with watir and try 
>> that select_list code directly without being in an iframe? Can you try if 
>> swapping the order of your select list codes will make any difference - 
>> e.g. if you try to select the failing select list first and then the one 
>> which passes currently?
>> Also, set $DEBUG=true before that failing select list, maybe you will get 
>> some other additional information. It is really hard to go from here if 
>> there's no additional information as to why it might be happening for you :(
>> Jarmo Pertman
>> -----
>> IT does really matter -
>> On Monday, October 15, 2012 4:59:47 PM UTC+3, Champ wrote:
>>> Changing the search_filter to a non-blank too shows the same error 
>>> message. 
>>> Not sure of how to go about this. There are quite a lot of select_lists 
>>> in the application and this is a showstopper :(.
>>> On Sunday, October 14, 2012 5:12:21 AM UTC-4, Jarmo Pertman wrote:
>>>> And this is the only line in the stacktrace? Strange. But maybe it has 
>>>> something to do with the empy search_filter. Try to put there anything 
>>>> else 
>>>> to see if that makes any difference.
>>>> Jarmo Pertman
>>>> -----
>>>> IT does really matter -
>>>> On Saturday, October 13, 2012 7:59:09 PM UTC+3, Champ wrote:
>>>>> search_by="ARC"
>>>>> search_filter=""
>>>>> There is no backtrace to point to the origin of the message. Only 
>>>>> error it shows is *SystemStackError: stack level too deep*
>>>>> *
>>>>> C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/watir-classic-3.2.0/lib/watir-classic/locator.rb:129
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> Thats the reason I am finding it hard to debug.
>>>>> -Champ
>>>>> On Saturday, October 13, 2012 6:12:33 AM UTC-4, Jarmo Pertman wrote:
>>>>>> What is the value of search_filter and search_by for example? Also, 
>>>>>> please share the whole backtrace of that error and not the one line.
>>>>>> Jarmo Pertman
>>>>>> -----
>>>>>> IT does really matter -
>>>>>> On Saturday, October 13, 2012 1:13:47 AM UTC+3, Champ wrote:
>>>>>>> It is a normal selectlist and I use the following command. The page 
>>>>>>> has 2 selectlists side by side. The first one gets selected and the 
>>>>>>> second 
>>>>>>> one hangs and shows the error.
>>>>>>> My watir code looks like this.
>>>>>>> @ie.frame(:id, "application_frame").select_list(:name, 
>>>>>>> "searchcol").select(search_by)  (This works fine)
>>>>>>> @ie.frame(:id, "application_frame").select_list(:name, 
>>>>>>> "filter").select(search_filter) (This fails)
>>>>>>> On Friday, October 12, 2012 3:20:15 PM UTC-4, Champ wrote:
>>>>>>>>  I am on Ruby 1.9.2 and watir-classic 3.2
>>>>>>>> I get the following error when I try to select an item from the 
>>>>>>>> selectlist. 
>>>>>>>> The selectlist gets highlighted in yellow and then hangs. Nothing 
>>>>>>>> happens. But after a while I see an error message as below, without 
>>>>>>>> indication of the origin of the error. 
>>>>>>>> *  SystemStackError: stack level too deep*
>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>> C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/watir-classic-3.2.0/lib/watir-classic/locator.rb:129
>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>> The fix to this is very critical. Any help in this regard is 
>>>>>>>> greatly appreciated.
>>>>>>>> -Champ

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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