I tried to start my learning with watir by creating a script for a simple 
login on gmail.

previously i was getting the following msg

*"Unable to locate element, using {:tag_name=>["text", "password", 
"textarea"], :id=>"Email"}"*

After reading some post i tried to access the text field using nested query 
now i am getting the following
*"undefined method `text_field' for #"*

The code i tried is :-
require 'watir'   # load the Watir library 
  $ie = Watir::IE.new
  $ie.wait_until {$ie.text.include? "Gmail"}
  $ie.divs(:class,"email-div").text_field(:id ,"Email").flash
  #$ie.text_field(:id,"Passwd").set("23gq")   #fake

  #$ie.button(:name, "signIn").click

Please help 

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you ask, be nice.


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