
The new project web site infrastructure has been set up.  The CMS system seems 
to be working fairly well.  There were a lot of moving parts to get all of this 
set up.  I will give the cliff notes here:

1)  The results of the effort can be found here:

2) The site source content is checked in to SVN here:

3) The CMS system can be accessed from here:

4) When changes are made the site is built and available to see in the staging 

5) The built content ultimately gets posted into SVN here:

6)  Then when you publish the site, the built content gets pushed to SVN here:

7)  This SVN URL is checked out on here:


This eventually migrates over to the live site.  The one piece that I haven't 
seemed to figure out yet is that after you publish the site it seems like you 
still need to go to and do an "svn up" to bring down the 
changes. It seems like there is a way to automate this but I haven't figured 
that out yet.

Clearly I have a lot to do in terms of site content, but I am just happy to 
have the infrastructure set up.


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