Surely a user is identified by where "waveserver"
is the wave server your registered too :?
The names being unque to that waveserver and thus name+domain being
unique to the whole federation.

Reviews of anything, by anyone;
Please try out my new site and give feedback :)

On 23 March 2011 11:35, Daniel Danilatos <> wrote:
> Currently, ParticipantId contains an email address. This is not a
> stable long term identifier for a user, and can cause problems. For
> example, let's say "Bob Smith" leaves the
> organisation, and then someone else "Bob Jones" takes over the same
> address Jones could then potentially gain access to
> Smith's waves.
> I propose adding an additional field to ParticipantId, "opaqueId" or
> "stableId" or similar. This would be an opaque string that is
> guaranteed to only ever correspond to a single user. To start with, to
> avoid a massive change, we can leave ParticipantId's single arg
> constructor in place and have it use the email address for the opaque
> id, even though this is incorrect. Servers that wish to stably
> identify users could ensure that they only construct and serialize
> ParticipantIds that contain a proper opaque id. A full fix might
> eventually require an addition to the Federation protocol, for example
> a way to ask for the current opaque id given an email address the user
> just typed. I don't intend to propose a full plan to address this
> issue but we might want to start thinking about it, and the initial
> fix mentioned above is in my opinion a step in the right direction.
> Thoughts?
> Dan

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