Sounds good to me. Looking forward for your patch.

2011/4/20 Thomas Broyer <>

> Hi everyone,
> First, let me introduce myself: I'm a french software engineer working
> in a small IT consulting company. I'm working with GWT for 3 years now
> and contributing patches on a regular basis (BTW, I'm the only
> non-googler listed as a project member on the site).
> On our current project (whose UI is made with GWT), we're in need of a
> rich-text editor with "semantic markup" (marking up "people",
> "locations", etc. and possibly linking them to other items in our data
> repository) and constrained content (sometimes we don't want
> titles/subsections or tables, and sometimes even limit editing to a
> single paragraph with "semantic markup" only). We only target Firefox
> 4 (or whichever stable version will be current by the time we ship,
> lucky us!). In search of the "perfect editor" for the task (or rather,
> the challenge!) it became obvious to me that Wave's editor would be
> the perfect fit: model-based, entirely "emulated" (no
> contentEditable=true, meaning we have full control on which user
> actions produce which content), built with GWT, etc.
> So, I'm in the process of integrating the Editor component in our app
> (prototyping in a test-bed app for the time being) and I'm facing a
> "major issue" (well, not that much given our specific environment, see
> below) and seeing a few possible enhancements; both of them being
> related to how Wave uses GWT and "integrates" with it.
> First, Wave overrides the "user.agent" deferred-binding property (and
> property provider) to add new "iphone" and "android" values and remove
> Opera support. While this is not a showstopper for us (given that we
> only support Firefox 4 –and Chrome, as we're almost all using Chrome
> in the dev team–) it might cause issues to others (e.g. someone having
> to support Opera, even if it means disabling the Editor for them).
> Proposal: GWT has had "conditional properties" for this exact use case
> for a few releases.
> Wave also inspired new features of GWT, and the codebase hasn't been
> migrated to the "gwt-user" APIs once they were integrated, which
> results in almost-duplicated code once you start integrating Wave code
> within another application. The most notable (and maybe only) such
> feature is SafeHtml.
> There are of course many other possible enhancements, some of them
> already listed as TODOs in the code, but I'm first interested in those
> that will have a direct impact on the size of the compiled JS output.
> If everyone's OK with these changes, I'm ready to work on a patch in
> the upcoming days.
> --
> Thomas Broyer
> /tɔ.ma.bʁ <>

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