is there a growing consensus toward Cassandra then? I guess the durability 
it a front runner. Does eventual consistency model fit, I know facebook are now 
using HBase

From: Yuri Z <>
Sent: Mon, 9 May, 2011 17:49:20
Subject: Re: Wave state folders

AFAIK no one is working on this at the moment. My understanding of the
situation is that the infrastructure marking waves as belonging to a certain
folder or marking wave is a tag is supported on the framework level. However
there are some issues with current search implementation which should be
changed in order to enable search queries based on user specific data ( like
"is:read"). Also some changes to the user interface would be needed to add
the new functionality.
But, it still would be only a temporary solution, because we need a scalable
and index based solution, something like Cassandra.

2011/5/9 Paul Thomas <>

> I think this was discussed before. folders are a bit old school. tags and
> specifically personal tags were suggested.
> ________________________________
> From: Arne Eggert <>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, 9 May, 2011 16:39:44
> Subject: Wave state folders
> Hi,
> is somebody working on the feature, to organize waves in folders or
> somebody
> have an idea how to implement this.
> Thanks
> Arne

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