Dear wave refugees!

As many of you know, I really want wave's technology to be usable in
other situations. So I made ShareJS - a NodeJS server & javascript
client for doing concurrent editing with arbitrary data.

Here's a simple concurrent wiki built on top of sharejs:
Open it in a couple browser windows & you can do google wave style live editing.

Its wave's OT technology, rewritten in coffeescript.

The software stack is type-agnostic. At the moment I'm working on
writing OT code for arbitary JSON objects, so you should be able to
whip up complex concurrent apps like route planners, spreadsheets, ...
or, whatever :)

Its pretty early days for sharejs - there's currently no undo support,
no authentication and no rich text. You should help out. At ~2000
lines of code (+ tests), sharejs has 100 times less code than wave in
a box. And its written in coffeescript (need I say more?)

If you can think of anything particularly cool that you want to do
with sharejs, drop me an email. I'll tell you which features are
missing and how you can help write them. Lets make wave's legacy a
whole bunch of awesome software.




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