The question was already discussed and can be looked up in the mail list
archive. Long story short, WIAB was written to run as standalone application
using it's own server. It uses WebSockets (Jetty + Socket.IO) and makes
massive use of threads.
While recent upgrades to AppEngine remove all of the limitations to porting
WIAB there, still, that would require a lot of changes and adaptations to
the AppEngine framework. Like using Channel API instead of WebSockets,
replacing threads with something more AppEngine friendly or restructuring
the code so the threads would run on Backends, removing dependencies on some
black listed classes etc...

I am not sure that it worth the effort. Google announced that AppEngine is
ready for production and raised the prices and lowered the free quotas. So,
IMHO, it's easier to use Amazon EC2 linux instance and it would cost about
the same.

On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Daniel Wilkerson <
> wrote:

> Has anyone tried to run wave-in-a-box on google app engine (the java
> version)?
> If not, any reason this shouldn't work?
> Don't know the details of the underlying wave-in-a-box document store
> scheme yet, but knowing that it is a schema-less tuple-store and GAE
> is as well, it seems naively that MongoDB should be replaceable with
> the underlying GAE bigtable tuplestore.  Thoughts?
> Daniel

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