Hi Patrick.
First of all - congrats on the Blogger improvement - it's really great to
see how GWave advancements slowly make it into mainstream.
Regarding your suggestion - can you maybe describe  what the the possible
of the proposed change? Generally - removing dependencies - sounds great.
Also, if it's useful to your project, it can be also useful for others.
The only concern it about Walkaround project - which also uses
@David, can you please share your opinion?

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Patrick Coleman <patcole...@google.com>wrote:

> Fellow wave-dev'ers;
> For those who missed the recent announcement, my current project (Blogger)
> just launched threaded commenting:
> http://buzz.blogger.com/2012/01/engage-with-your-readers-through.html
> The reason I'm emailing here though is that all the comment rendering code
> uses the Undercurrent wave-panel GWT library.
> (e.g. check out the DOM produced in the comments section of that post, it
> may look familiar).
> I'm aware that this alternate usage may add some constraints moving
> forwards with the codebase, so I was wondering if there was a generally
> recommended way of sharing code like this - e.g. are there any large
> changes planned to Undercurrent that mean I should fork my own copy first?
> Alternatively, if there are changes I hope to make, are they likely to help
> being submitted into the apache codebase?
> If it helps, the main two changes I'd hope to work on for our usage are:
> 1) Removing the dependency from Blip to Document
> - Comments are just static html, so I have a custom CommentDocument for
> this, but due to the interfaces it needs to
> pull in ContentDocument, MutableDocument and DocInitialization which bloats
> the library size
> 2) Adding an alternative to UserAgentStaticProperties that is actually
> dynamic - i.e. removes the requirement to have a different script per user
> agent.
> fwiw, thanks to all of those active in this community that've kept this
> code open and nicely usable for such a different feature such as this.
> - Pat Coleman

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