Killing the server is fine I think.

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:58 PM, Ali Lown <> wrote:

> For those that are actually running servers with users on, how is your
> server's startup time?
> I have now reached ~60 waves with 30+ blips a message across ~10
> users, and startup time is already ~2 minutes on a small dual-core
> (2GHz Opteron) VPS with 1GB of RAM.
> A look at htop/iotop suggests it to mostly be a cpu-processing issue,
> though disk access is a constant ~5MB/s while loading.
> I know that a better search implementation (any status on this yet?) (The
> pattch that refactors the WaveMap and separates it form SearchProvider is
> still under review)
> will prevent the need to cache all waves on load.
> Just wondering if any of you have found a way to speed this up a bit?
> (@Yuri: must takes hours to start the wave-server?)
> loads about 5 minutes (It runs on VM with  4 virtual CPUs
and 7.8 GB of memory/ ~ 6K waves). I never measured what is the bottleneck
here, but I assumed it's the IO operations and not CPU. If the issue is
with CPU - we can try to process every wave independently in a thread. But
that might further complicate the waves loading logic.

> Ali
> PS. Is there a better way to stop a running server than just kill'ing it?
Don't think so. By the way, if you want to run it as daemon -

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