See embedded

On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Wave Grove <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have started to implement wave-319 and have some questions about some
> implementation choices.
> First of all, could someone please assign that jira-issue to me - jira
> username Rocklund

  I ll ask Michael to add you as contributor to the Jira, that would enable
you to assign issues to yourself.

> 1. I am thinking to reuse some of the code mentioned in the jira-issue (
> Especially I was thinking of the GadgetInfo-class
> and
> some of the ideas around the GadgetInfoProvider. Would that be ok, or is
> there some licencing problems with that?
   It's Ok.

> 2. Should I keep the list of gadget info as source code for now, or should
> I try to extract the info as an XML file that gets loaded instead?

  XML is fine, or maybe even JSON. IMO it would be best to serve the list
of gadgets from dedicated servlet. Hopefully, in the future we would be
able to host one centralized server with gadget definitions that will be
updated by community and all the rest WIAB servers will fetch it from there.

> 3. The issue suggests using a SuggestionBox for filtering the gadgets.
> However, I think it is nicer to directly filter the scrollable gadget list.
> Any comments about that?
  IMO suggestions box is more user friendly. Or you can have both.

> 4. Furthermore I'm thinking to change the default focus to the filter box
> instead of the url box, and make it possible to select the topmost filtered
> option by pressing enter. Also making it visible that the topmost filtered
> option is selected by setting a gray background as if it was hovered. Any
> comments?
  I personally prefer not to change the default focus.

> I have a patch ready with those implementation if someone would like to try
> it out? I need to do quite a bit polishing of the code before I can commit
> it for review though.

 You can send it for review  as is and update in later versions.

> Thanks in advance for any comments or help.
> /Olof

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