On Thu, 7 Apr 2016, at 07:08 AM, Evan Hughes wrote:
> Hello all,
> This is a project brief that some new interested developers asked for,
> please note that* this is for the Apache Wave rewrite *project "A Wavy
> Future" due to the potential of the rewrite not being the main source and
> not for the current source which exists in the repo.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WAVE/Project+Brief
> Please feel free to give feedback either here or on the document if you
> have an account. Also note that some sections of the document are
> unfinished like the timeline.


You are presenting something pretty monolithic - it could be hard to get
a group of developers to work together on such a large endeavour.

Can you break it down into smaller pieces, each of which are useful in
themselves? If you can present something like, "here is an OT engine
that can be used by any project, and will take 1mth to develop", then
you have something distinctly useful, and something that is much more
likely to draw in new developers, because the project HAS something they
can immediately use.

The best way to develop open source is to tap into developer's sense of
their own self-interest.



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