Hi, Pq

In weston randr v2, I don't include the following question. I am still in 
confused. Sorry about that.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pekka Paalanen [mailto:ppaala...@gmail.com]
>Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2014 8:20 PM
>To: Wang, Quanxian
>Cc: wayland-devel@lists.freedesktop.org
>Subject: Re: weston: weston randr protocol for testing and configuration
>Talking about threads here is misleading. Such threaded operations do not make
>sense to begin with. The question is more about ambiguity between operations
>and acknowledgements, and preferring explicit correspondence than relying on
>protocol message ordering.
>So the goal is good, but the rationale is slightly wrong.
[Wang, Quanxian] For this issue, I am still confused Supposed that case, the 
first client is doing the randr without commit, however the second commit his 
request. This will breakdown the first client if they works on the same output. 
My suggestion is that allocating a request id for every request set. (first 
client request set, second client request set, .. etc), everyone could not 
break down others operation before commit. Otherwise clients will not control 
his actions.
Even in callback, you must don't want to get the callback done event when you 
are doing the action without commit.

>> For example
>> In client:
>> randr_resource =
>> wl_randr_set_transform(randr.randr,wayland_output,argument.transform);
>> wl_randr_add_listener(randr_resource, &randr_transform_listener,
>> &randr);
>> In compositor:
>> randr_resource = wl_resource_create(client,&wl_randr_interface,1,
>> action); ...
>> wl_randr_send_action_done(randr_resource,
>> 1<<WL_RANDR_ACTION_TRANSFORM, ret, action);
>> wl_resource_destroy(randr_resource);
>I do not want a reply for every single part of output state, I want a reply 
>for the
>final commit request that applies all the state updates gathered so far. That 
>also solve the atomicity problem.
>See how wl_surface works, and add a reply object only to the commit request.
[Wang, Quanxian] Yes, when surface get a commit, it will applies all the state 
updates gathered so far. And then inform user that (frame callback called after 
weston_output_repaint), If client is updating the surface and without commit. 
Suddenly when he got an reply event that surface has update his previous 
changes. But he didn't run surface_commit at that time. Here I don't understand 
if there are some conflict. (The reply callback is created by surface_frame to 
keep tuning of his update.)
That means compositor does the update when client don't run surface commit. 
Sorry, I am really confused here. Actually it is the same as above question to 
avoid the conflict.

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