This is another release candidate for wayland 1.12.

Here is a brief run-down of a few of the main changes since 1.11.

The core protocol documentation has received numerous refinements to
improve its clarity and consistency.  Along with this, many blank
areas of the protocol documentation have been fleshed out.

A new wl_display_add_protocol logger API provides a new interactive way
to debug requests; along with this are new APIs for examining clients and
their resources.  This is analogous to using WAYLAND_DEBUG=1, but
more powerful since it allows run time review of log data such as
through a UI view.

There have been improvements to how the protocol XML scanner handles
version identification in protocol headers.  This enables better
detection and fallback handling when compositors and clients support
differing versions of their protocols.

Along with these user-visible changes, there have been a variety of
other code refactoring and refinements in Wayland 1.12.

Changes since previous RC:

    Bryce Harrington (1): bump to version 1.11.94 for the RC2 release

    Yong Bakos (2):
      protocol: Replace '#defines' with 'macros'
      server: Document display parameter

git tag: 1.11.94
MD5:  290044ddb26d67b150f71f4f0b05e785  wayland-1.11.94.tar.xz
SHA1: 79ac92401a30dc96aca1435695cee78aa2801849  wayland-1.11.94.tar.xz
SHA256: fcca8eece0098f213d00ff24151e943828bbed7a84d346cacd8063142bb5e88d  

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Description: Digital signature

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