On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 12:04:33PM -0500, Adam Goode wrote:
> Hi,
> See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1349225 and
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=767967
> When using Client Side Decorations, toolkits cannot bind raise or lower to
> user actions. This binding is traditionally used in the "middle click
> titlebar to lower" action, which no longer works with CSD on Wayland.
> Additionally, when click-to-raise is disabled, a click on a CSD titlebar
> will not raise the window.
> I would like to add 'raise' and 'lower' to xdg-shell. These requests will
> take no arguments, similarly to 'set_maximized' (which is commonly bound to
> double-click titlebar).

A client should not be able to raise itself on demand like that. Usually
when raising, what they actually wanted to do is get attention because
something happened, and that is what an API is supposed to do. I think
the last time this was discussed it was referred to as "present" or
something. GTK+ have a private protocol for this until we have something

Regarding 'lower', any reason why this cannot be made a compositor side
modifier->middle-click kind of thing? It'd work on the whole window and
it'd work on all clients without any need for any protocol. There has
also been discussions about having a protocol for specifying a "window
title area" kind of thing, which the compositor can handle with special
care would so be needed.

I would really like to avoid having direct ways for a client to
interfere with the window stacking, and especially not ones that require
round trips.

> Is there any objection to adding these to xdg-shell, or should I
> investigate another solution?

xdg-shell is in a state where I don't think we should add anything that
is not very crucial until we have managed to declare it stable. A thing
like lower/raise, which has been discussed plenty of times and is on the
more controversial side, should not delay any stabilization of
xdg-shell. With that said, things can be added as separate extensions in
the mean time.


> Thanks,
> Adam

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