Hi Valentino

Am 04.11.18 um 12:59 schrieb Valentino Bocchino:
> Hi,
> I’m Valentino, I come from Italy and I’m 14 years old. I am really interested 
> in learning programming languages and I thought that asking the Wayland team 
> how they built Wayland could be a great idea. I don’t carry any kind of 
> experience, so I probably can’t help to this project, but if I could learn, 
> then maybe one day I could become helpful. Of course, it is unlikely that I 
> can be physically present, but the technology that we have today enables me 
> to learn and help people in other places which revery distant from home.

Wayland is a networking protocol, so you cannot build it (with a
compiler). What you can build is Weston, the reference implementation.
Have you read [1] and if so, how far did you get?

If you really have no experience, you should start by reading a good
book on Linux' system architecture and command-line tools; ideally while
you're trying to get Weston to build.

If you want to work on Linux graphics you also have to understand C. But
that can wait for later.

Best regards

[1] https://wayland.freedesktop.org/building.html

> Have a nice day,
> Valentino Bocchino
> P.S.: Excuse me for my English, but because it’s my third language I’m trying 
> to do my best.
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Thomas Zimmermann
Graphics Driver Developer
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Tel: +49-911-74053-0; Fax: +49-911-7417755;  https://www.suse.com/
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