Hi all,

over the past month, the zwp_text_input_v3 protocol has moved to real devices 
and had seen unprecedented usage. Together with that, it also got a reality 
check, from which it didn't come unscathed. There are some issues identified:

- a hint that there's no need for an on-screen keyboard
- allow deleting text even when surrounding text is unknown
- making it harder for compositors to send uninformed updates 
- possibly graceful switching within text inputs 
- sending control events (submit, next field, undo) to gain independence from a 
virtual keyboard protocol

I might have left something out.

Since they are all relatively unrelated, they can thankfully be discussed 
separately. But merging them in separately would create needlessly many 
combinations of possible supported versions.

A new integration branch on gitlab would keep related merge requests on the 
wayland-protocols repo, and it could be merged as one large update once it's 
sufficiently hardened. Or is there another way to do this?

Dorota Czaplejewicz

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