Gee.... if I only had an hour (or couple of hours) to spend in Mayberry, it would all be spent at Wally's. Drinking pop while sitting on the bench... listening to Gomer spin yarns about this and that to customers.... sounds pretty good to me! Now if I had a weekend to spend.... that's another matter altogether. I'd start out my weekend first at Floyd's (naturally) and get the works! Then it's off to Morelli's and from there... who knows? I'd work my way back to town and take it from there. Probably end my vacation with a lemon phosphate from the diner... Whoops! Almost forgot. I'd pick up the latest Keevy Hazelton and Jim Lindsey recordings from Weaver's Dept Store record racks! (Maybe some Bobby Fleet 8-track tapes, too.) Cool!!

A. Acevedo - MPk.

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