Last night at a going away dinner for a dear friend I was given a copy a  of 
the July, 1991 issue of "Personalities" magazine.  This particular issue 
featured the "50 Most Influential TV Characters of All Time."  Not 
surprisingly two of those honored were our beloved Aunt Bee and of course 
"Deputy Barney Fife".   I would like to share with you the exact words that 
were written about Barney.  While the writer gave a wonderful description of 
Aunt Bee, I feel his narration about Barney left much to be desired.  I will 
post it here now verbatim without any personal comment.  Feel free to share 
your reaction to this description of Barney.

"Barney Fife, the overdevoted deputy of a 20-miles-per-hour town, Mayberry, 
North Carolina, took the standard big-mouthed bumbling sidekick archetype 
established in television's earliest sitcoms and pushed it right over the 
edge. "Barney's megalomania, paranoia, persecution complex, and 
psychological inadequacies combine to produce one certifiable basket case 
who should never be given a gun or a badge," say Harry Castleman and Walter 
J. Podrazik in "Harry and Wally's Favorite TV Shows (Prentice Hall, 1989). 
But bug-eyed Barney is armed ( if only with a single bullet) and would be 
sort of dangerous (by virtue of his utter incompetence) if Sheriff Andy 
Taylor weren't around to defuse his high-strung buffoonery - to talk him 
down, to reason with him, to serve as therapist to this most dysfunctional 
of public servants. But thank goodness for Barney! His various 
maladjustments and his cliché-spitting habit ("Nip in it the bud!") keep us 
from drowning in all the molasses warmth and old-fashioned good cheer of 
"The Andy Griffith Show." "If Andy is soothing to watch," Castleman and 
Podrazik add, "Barney is an electric shock, always shooting off on some 

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

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