Just wanted to share a "Mayberry Moment" I had the other day at work.  Hope it 
will bring a smile to your face, as it did to me.
  Picture this.  I work at the local Home Depot in Wilmington, NC, and while 
copying a key at the key machine for a customer, I looked up and, lo and 
behold, there were two men walking down the main aisle of the Home Depot 
carrying a big plate glass window to the cash register to pay for it.  
  Well now, my first thought was...I sure haven't seen Ernest T hanging around 
with a sack full of rocks to throw at that window.  But you never know.  He's 
real good at hiding behind the stacks of generators and table saws.  Heck, he 
might even be hanging from the overhead racking and might leap down right in 
front of that plate glass window.  But fortunately, the two men got to the cash 
register safely and paid for their window.  I even watched them from a distance 
as they left the store and safely loaded the window in the back of their pickup 
  And with not nary a single rock thrown at them.
  I guess they were just plain lucky that Ernest T was no where to be found.
  But you know what?  I think maybe they were even luckier that ol' Barn wasn't 
anywhere nearby, waving his gun all around, trying to protect that ol' window.
  DANNY in Wilmington
  "Go ahead now, Opie, give her some gooooood." 

Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peek at the forecast 
 with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.
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