To my fellow Mayberrians,

  The schedule for this weekend's Tribute to Don Knotts on TVLand is 
available on their website
  Seems they will be showing TAGS episodes, then some Three's Company, 
then finishing the tribute late (into overnight) Sunday-Monday with 
more TAGS.
  Sure am missing 'ole Barn, but I know he's up in heaven with my 
precious Dad making even the angels laugh and smile....

  Did anyone tape the Larry King Show Wednesday night? I missed that 
one, and would LOVE to get a copy of it!

  Please email me if you can..sure hate I missed seeing Andy Griffith 
and Don Knott's daughter.

 Thanks so much.

 Weddington, NC

  "I'm known around these parts as a very reliable person..." You 
betcha, Barn!


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