>>>I was watching the show where Andy and Helen get trapped in a cave. 
Barney originates a rescue party. When Andy and Helen crawl out of the 
cave, they hail down a pickup truck to ride back into town. They find 
out that there is a rescue attempt and decide to go back into the cave 
to save Barney any embarrassment. What they don't mention is how they 
get back to the cave to re-enter. Maybe the Count had something to do 
with that. What do you think?<<<

Bob, what I always wondered about was how Andy and Helen managed to keep their 
initial escape from the cave a secret, since they likely told the driver they 
hitched a ride with about their experience.  Even if they didn't, the driver 
would have noticed their soiled clothing and probably recognized them.  The 
only explanation that makes sense is that the driver was from "somewheres else" 
and so wouldn't have known either Andy or Helen.  He may have heard about the 
cave rescue later on the radio, but if he wasn't local, he wouldn't have been 
able to tell anyone in Mayberry the truth, anyway.  Of course, that also would 
assume that no one saw Andy and Helen get out of the truck and go into or come 
out of the house.  However, with practically everyone in town at the picnic, I 
guess that isn't too farfetched.

Thelma Lou

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