I am responding to the arcticle in the wbmutbb about if Floyd was funnier 
before his stroke or after??? I think he was funny all the time. He was a great 
actor, I think he was really funny when the manicurist came to town and wanted 
to put up a table and do manicures at Floyds barber shop.  Anyway I read George 
Lindseys book (Goober in a nut shell) and he talked about Howard Mcnear, they 
were friends and that Howard was a great actor and that when he would have a 
scene all the cast would stand around and watch. The cast would stay around 
after their scenes were done just to watch Howard perform. George said no one 
did that for any one else. Just Howard. He said he was worth watching and so 
funny. George also said that Howard got frustrated some times when he couldnt 
get the words out and the cast was really patient with him and worked with him. 
They sound like they were a great family unit!!!   That is why we all still 
love them so much today!!!

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