>>>As Inspector Case gives his line about the Katzenjammer Kids and opens the 
>>>courthouse door to leave, the lettering on the building across the street 
>>>can be clearly seen.  After rewinding and pausing it to make sure (ain't 
>>>TiVo wonderful?) I was able to make out the sign to read "ER HAJWZK B".  
>>>Anyone know what this is supposed to mean?  Sort of resembles Ernest T's 
>>>recititation of the alphabet.  Wonder what exactly that store sells.  Doug 
That was actually just a backdrop (a painted curtain).  The full name read 
"PETER HAJWZK BUILDING" (or maybe it was just BLDG).  It was an old backdrop 
that the studio had on hand, so to save money they just used it instead of 
making a new one, which would have been pretty expensive even back then.  In 
later episodes of TAGS, a different backdrop was used.  
The PETER HAJWZK backdrop must have been created for some long-forgotten old 
movie, so you film buffs keep your eyes open and if you ever spot it in a film, 
be sure to let us know.  You just might be the one to win that pony!
Paul Mulik
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