But Otis was a deputy, albeit a temporary one----Paul Mulik

No no Paul he was not sworn in properly
ANDY : Do you, Otis Campbell solemnly swear to uphold the duties of your office 
and conduct yourself in a manner that will give credit to the Mayberry 
Sheriff's Office.
OTIS ; I do

That is not the oath of deputy here it is

As a deputy of the county of Mayberry I swear to up hold the laws and 
regulations therein, set to by Statute 426 c, county rules and regulations, put 
there by this date, city of Mayberry, county of Mayberry, thereon.

Because Andy didn't mention The statute it makes his swearing in moot. Otis 
could assumeĀ  anything from 'uphold the duties of your office' and not 
necessarily abide by the statute
Am I splitting hairs ? probably but wrong is wrong and right is right 


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