Allen asked for comments from those of us who called in to the Saturday night meeting. Here's my two cents: I agree that the time just flew by. I so enjoyed hearing about Allen visiting Howard McNair's house and the description of the aerosol paint can accident - having his wife get mad at him and having to sleep in the guest house.....but it had curtains. What a warm, funny story. I also loved the discussion regarding the way those wonderful actors took a superb script and made it even better with their own interpretations week after week. Any time I'm talking about my favorite show I'm just as happy as a hog in mud. I also enjoyed having folks introduce themselves and learning a little about their lives. I can't wait until the next call. You know, if they wrote this into a book, nobody'd believe it.

Marietta, GA
(An avoracious reader)

Hey! Another Barneyism!

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