One character I remember is the man who owned the big house they tried to use 
for the summit conference when Barney worked in Raleigh.  Can't remember the 
character's name but Barney use to play games in his front yard and he thought 
he'd remember him as the 'scamp'.  Anyway, that man was helped to his house by 
a nurse and I think he used a cane.


Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 22:02:08 -0500
From: dewey lamb <>
To: <>
Subject: Physical Disabilities
Message-ID: <snt112-w10a24b68af1baf884c9856aa...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Does anyone recall a TAGS character(s) that was physically challenged?By that I 
mean someone
who used a cane,walker,crutches,wheelchair?It stands to reason there would be 
someone,but I
can't recall anyone at this point in time.
Dewey in NC

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