Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 09:59:26 -0400
rom: Harriet Browder <>
o: <>
ubject: Miracle Salve
essage-ID: <bay165-w176907aab090f4ec92dcf383...@phx.gbl>
ontent-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I also bought a large tin of Miracle Salve to give to my aunt next month for 
er birthday. 

ood idea, Albert. I hear tell it cures the mange.
Harriet, the chicken thief in Kelsey's Woods, USA
......"Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth"..."That's an 
ld wives tale"...."Johnny Paul ain't married"........

A septic tank would be a thoughtful gift, too!

A little bit of Mayberry in a little bit of Jane Lew, WV

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