Brenda Wrote:

Since Mr. Schwamp did not have any lines, I think he was not a member of
the actor's union and was not allowed to say anything.  That would also
explain why he has no credits at the end of the show.  And, maybe why
absolutely NOBODY knows who he is.  


Well I don't know about that because at least one time they did try to
give him a speaking part. Jack Dodson tells the story about it in one of
the older TAGS books or maybe it was an old issue of the bullet I can't
remember. He tells of how in the lodge episode they have dialogue for
him to speak but he just could not get it right no matter how many times
he tried so eventually they just gave up and cut it out of the episode.
It would be interesting to see an original script of this episode to see
if it's in there or if it was just some token jester that they were just
trying to slip in there for him. 


Jeff  "Sitting in the stag line" Gossett 


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