Emma Watson nee Brand lived in the house on the lake that is now owned by my 
family. My uncle Warren Watson, a lifetime bachelor,  stopped by Mayberry, on 
his way to Mt Pilot & was charmed by the beautiful Miss Emma Brand. He married 
her two weeks later after giving Andy full authority to investigate his past 
tho there was nothing to find I'll have you know, Uncle Warren rarely spoke of 
it lest he begin to cry but he was there when the USA liberated Dachau & other 
communist camps. Seeing the death & destruction made him sick to his soul. 
Seeing how grateful the rescued Jewish people were warmed his soul. 

Oh the wedding was so lovely. Aunt Bee was maid of honor & Emma's sister was 
bridesmaid. The cake was from the bakery where Millie worked (I forget the name 
of it).

Rev Tucker did the ceremony & Clara Edwards played the Wedding March. After 
honeymooning in New Orleans they moved into his house in town where they lived 
happily for 2 months before Uncle Warren dropped dead suddenly from a brain 
aneurysm. She continued living in that house tho she couldn't bear to speak of 
him lest she begin to cry.

This explains why two names & two houses

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