Opie did play football & baseball & he wanted an erector set when he found that 
man's purse. Still, did Opie ever play marbles or collect baseball cards? Did 
he own the Matchbox type cars Barney used for Otis's driving test. (Otis')? No 
Monopoly or Operation games with Howie Pruitt and Johnny Paul Jason? He did 
play cops & robbers but no cowboys & Indians? No tag, hide and go seek, 
mumblety peg?

Then again look at other favorites. Did the Beaver ever play with toys? Not 
often. The Brady Bunch kids had few toys & few friends preferring to stay home 
with their siblings.

Oh well, I guess it was easier to film & cheaper not to have to purchase & 
store the toys for use when needed.

Mayberrily yours,

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