Maybe the biggest promotion would go to Howard Morris who went from being a 
no-account Ernest T. Bass, to George the TV repairman. Of course then he went 
on to be the great Leonard Blush, but somehow got un-promoted back down to 
Ernest T. Bass when Malcolm Merriweather showed up. And just like Howard 
Sprauge wasn't Ed the insurance man, but rather Jack Dodson playing different 
characters, the same would apply here. And if you really wanted to get 
technical, you could say Ernest T. Bass got promoted to Director of several of 
the following episodes. 
And also, anybody whose been here a while knows that Clara Edwards was once 
Clara Johnson, just like Goober Pyle used to be Goober Beasley, and Floyd 
Lawson was Floyd Colby.

Bobby Hay (aka Bobby the Beast)
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