-- One of our city theater groups is putting on a production of Robin
Hood.  It is a play about a stupid sheriff and his stupid deputy.  They are
allowing children to attend.  What kind of play is that for children to
see?  A play like that ought to be banned from being on stage.  I know from
personal experience how damaging to a child Robin Hood can be.  When I was
a kid my friends and I would play Robin Hood in Sherwood Forest, I mean
Rau's Woods.  And what character did I get to be?  I always had to be Maid
Marian.  My friends said it was because I had cute legs and I was the only
one who had a sister who would let me wear her dress.  They didn't even let
me have any weenies and root beer.  I had to have cookies and tea.  To this
day I will not allow my wife to buy Robin Hood flour.  I insist she buys
Gold Medal.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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