I'm a relatively new member, but a long time TAGS fan and this is my
first post. After reading Janet's recent long, but very enjoyable post, I
got to thinking about how much I enjoyed the show in my youth during the
1960's, but how I enjoy it so much more now that I'm in my late 60's. I
would like to share the reason that I enjoy the show so much more now.  It
might seem a little corny to some of you, but some of you might also feel
the same way I do. When I retired in December of 2013, my wife and I
planned on spending some time traveling and seeing a lot of this country.
However, In 2014 and 2015, my wife suffered a series of very debilitating
strokes. She is now confined to bed and my new job is full time caregiver.
We have many friends, but we don't see them as much because we can't get
out to go and visit them, because of her condition.

       We have both been TAGS fans for over 55 years, but never more than
now. We have owned all of the season sets for many years and we watched
them quite often over the years. Now, our cable system has Tags reruns on a
couple of different stations and she enjoys watching them daily. Now for
the corny part - At the end of each day, after I feed, medicate, and tuck
my wife in for the night, I have a couple of hours for myself. Most nights,
during my two hour alone time, I enjoy watching TAGS, either on a DVD, or
on a recording from the cable reruns. I look forward to that time, so much,
because it is like being able to spend time with old friends and enjoy
their company. Between the reruns during the day and the reruns or DVD's at
night, TAGS is probably on 5 to 7 hours a day and I never get tired of
seeing and hearing those friends. It doesn't matter if it's one of my
favorites, or one that is not a favorite, it's so nice to be able to spend
time with them anyway. Like I said, it may sound corny, but I'm sure that
there are others out there who have similar feelings at times, while
enjoying those friends too. I'm sorry this ran a little long, but I really
felt the need to get these feeling out there to those of you who are big
fans also. Thanks.

      Retired Sheriff Poindexter
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