You are a great ambassador for all things Mayberry.I'm sure all the folks at 
the car shows,parades,assisted living homes
all enjoy you sharing your love & knowledge of Mayberry.I'm sure the little 
tykes enjoy your giving them a stick-on
deputy badge.And,lest we forget,you get to pose with beauty queens quite often.
By your being so active,you are probably young at heart & physically.Least ways 
you don't have to worry about
those doorbells driving you crazy.
Continue at the pace you & Linda are going and you may need to consider hiring 
a booking agent.And should you ever
have the need to retain a lawyer for various endeavors,Neil Bentley may be able 
to accomodate you.
Keep up the good work.
Dewey i n NC
The newest trend in the Netherlands is having tiny jewels implanted directly 
into the eye.
(The gold capped tooth of Ernest T. Bass did not sway Romeena.Possibly the 
jewels might 
do the trick.)
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