Like many out there my first introduction to TAGS "on demand" wasn't through 
DVD or streaming like we enjoy today but through the old VHS releases of Andy 
episodes produced by "Premiere Promotions". I remember as a kid our local video 
store had these long out of print tapes as part of their collection. 

Recently I came across a whole lot of them, and have been curious to know 
exactly how many I am missing. Going back through old issues of "The Bullet" 
from 1990 they state that 43 of the "Double Feature" tapes were released, and 
at least another 30+ four episode "collections" like the Best of Barney were 

They encouraged fans to write the Bullet for a complete list, but never printed 
it in an issue.  Does anyone have a copy of this "list" of the original 
Premiere Promotions videotapes that you could share? Or does anybody have a 
connection to the "home office" that might could pull a copy from the TAGSRWC 

I'm curious how many of these I have, and are missing. They seem to be one of 
the "forgotten" TAGS collectibles in the era of DVDs. 

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